Tuesday, January 30, 2007

the little one

i find myself increasingly unable to understand him, that smaller version of the male species. he is as different from me as the moon and the sun, purely because we are of the opposite sex. with the little girl, i could empathise. i could understand, put myself in her shoes and feel what she needs. with the little boy though, his reasonings go beyond me.

the female species are never meant to understand their male counterparts; how they justify their inactions or callousness, how they can suppress their innermost feelings but not the stirrings of their loins, how they say they love you but their actions shout otherwise. the species that we can't live with, yet can't live without. why do we subject ourselves to such torture, i will never even begin to understand. why are we attracted to them like the moth to the fire and then try with all the power of the world to change them in one way or another? in the end, the wise ones learn to live with it.

i'm digressing, as usual. with the little boy, i have to try harder to understand. i need to have more patience. if he is as alien to me now as a young adorable little person, i cannot imagine how i will cope when he is in his teens and independent, rebellious and wants his own way. i had hoped that my love will be all-encompassing and that it will be his lighthouse to guide him on the path to righteousness.

i'm not too sure.


Cocka Doodle said...

Bring out the rotan and whack the rascal. Send him to his room without dinner. LOL

Jonzz said...

For the sake of saying something philosophical... ka ka ka, first you start by accepting the differences, then you try to understand them, not the other way round.

me said...

dear cocka: haha, that's your method issit? i take it u hv daughters only? *raise eyebrow*

dear jonzz: very philosophical indeed. but i agree. sound advise and i'll try to remember.

Unknown said...

At last ... I found you again, *hands up* I understand... cos i'm a little boy too.

p.s. Can I update your link on my blog to here?

me said...

dear bernard: yes, little boy. thank you.

Unknown said...

Thank you, auntie.

in the name of friendship

i have met up with her probably 2 to 3 times in the last 35 years. she wants to borrow money, this almost stranger. i obliged, in the name o...