Wednesday, February 21, 2007

chinese new year is.......

chinese new year is......

......when you meet relatives and friends whom you have not seen over the past year,

and for some strange reason, they feel obliged to say that they will be coming over to visit you in your country this year.

people whom i cannot remember their name, or faces, nor their relation or their background.

i cannot comprehend why all of them feel compelled to say it, when statistics prove that 99.9% of the time, they do not.

do i look like i'm starving for some company from some distant and not-too-familiar relatives?

maybe they do not know of a better way to end the conversation and bid farewell?

they always say they will come, (eventhough i have not extended any invitation), and i always reply with a, 'that will be great'.

who says i do not know my manners?

i too know the art of bullshitting.


Las montaƱas said...

hmm.. let me try to recall. Did I tell ME I was coming to visit her too?

Anonymous said...

I'm visiting u too, ME. I'll rem to bring a can of oranges. kekeke.

Jonzz said...

Studies have shown that bullshitting is a fine art which can be cultivated through blogging. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

*Cough* but seriously, I too am tired of seeing people who never correspond all year round but appear once a year. What's the point?

Cocka Doodle said...

Standby angpows. I'm coming with my kid to visit you.

me said...

dear monty: ahhhh, that will be great! hahahha.

dear pooh: u bring a can of oranges, u say? then u r most welcome to visit me. just ask for the way to the local sanitarium. :-p

dear jonzz: i guess cny is the time when everybody has a little more time on their hand and they play 'catch up'. i don't quite mind.....if only they won't all insert the 'i'll come visit u in malaysia this year' sometime in their conversation. AND they never come. full stop. so full of crap.

dear cocka: kid? one only ah? sup sup sui lah. i've got two. i'm still one more than u :-p

in the name of friendship

i have met up with her probably 2 to 3 times in the last 35 years. she wants to borrow money, this almost stranger. i obliged, in the name o...