Tuesday, February 06, 2007


i was falsely imprisoned for 4 hours yesterday.

they bound and tied me to the chair, where all types of horrible wicked experiements were carried out. they scrutinized and examined my fine tresses, pulled it and sob! cut it. the evil ways of my captors, knowing that hair is the prize of a woman. they dyed it, curled it and washed it, uncountable times. there must be a strange custom where they come from which attempts to drown hair.

i will never understand woman, myself included. how we can subject ourselves to what seems like torture for such a long period of time, all in the name of beauty.


Jonzz said...

LOL, and to think you pay good money to be tortured.

So profound... ha ha

sereneannabelle said...

i AGREE. and one trip can cost hundreds.... ughh!

me said...

dear jonzz: if u think that's bad, u hvn't heard of wax jobs, tummy tucks and slimming treatments. it's akin to what they are doing in iraq!!!!

dear gsh: i know! we blow a bomb on trying to look good. sheesh!

Las montañas said...

what!? a normal visit to a salon you call it torture!?? cannot understand women :P

So did they steam it, tease it, brush it....?

me said...

dear monty: hah! u try sitting in a chair for 4 hours, doing nothing. cannot get up n walk, cannot go to toilet, last meal was like 7 hours ago!, wash hair like 5 times! until it nearly drowned, making senseless small talk.....bawllllllll!

Annie said...

Next time ME, you come with Annie to the Salon and we'll do it correctly. We sit in comfy chair, get served coffee, tea or water with lemon. Be given numerous magazines like Vogue and People and oogle all the hot looking guys working on other women's hair.

This is all AFTER we've just had a full lunch.

It's supposed to be pampering, not torture. You need a different salon.

me said...

dear annie: *hits own head* you should hv given me these pointers BEFORE i went. btw, there are no cute guys there. only 1 person who actually qualifies under the term 'guy'and he is NOT cute. next time i choose a salon, i will look at the eye candy first!! i kept looking at other women's hair to see whether they did a good job. how stuuuuupid.

Unknown said...

Correction: when you do it vountarily, it's not called torture?!!

How much did it cost? Now that's torture.

Hey, this is what i call a "why-so-kaypoh classic".

me said...

dear bernard: when you do it voluntarily, it's called 'stupidity'! haha. believe me, it cost a bomb! could have had a very nice meal FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY for that amount. sigh! women! u make me sound like a black and white oldies but goodies movie. *grins*

Unknown said...

Hahaha.. another "classic" one. Hehe.

in the name of friendship

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