Thursday, May 24, 2007


looking at him, i know he is my son.

he holds many of my traits....

but i have never realised that he likes to stare at clouds and let his imagination take over....pretty much like his mother. he saw an elephant...but i saw a puppy.

i smile.

we are cut from the same cloth.

cloud inherited trait?

i have not found the time to look up into the sky for a long while now.....

my legs are too busy planted firmly in the ground and my eyes focused on the horizon.

one is truly getting old when one loses little magical characteristics like this.


Wuching said...

thats why u live ur childhood thru ur son now, let him look at the clouds now while u shop for a rocking chair soon!

Jonzz said...

Yes, wuching is right. Sometimes it takes younger children and their innocent to bring back some magic into your life!

Anonymous said...

I imagine ME to be a v dreamy and romantic sort of woman:)

me said...

dear wuching: haha, rocking chair? yau moe kau chor? this grandma's gonna roller-skate on life, baby.

dear jonzz: or maybe for us to retain some of the innocence and purity?

dear pooh: dreamy and romantic? i think i am....but situation often doesn't permit. esp when you have are transformed into shakespear's shrew.

in the name of friendship

i have met up with her probably 2 to 3 times in the last 35 years. she wants to borrow money, this almost stranger. i obliged, in the name o...