Thursday, October 25, 2007

hot gossips

sometimes you overhear gossips in the strangest of place.

last night, as the ladies were busy going about looking for food, buzzing here and there for their favourite pick, i perked up my ears and listened. it seems that the little one wearing black was seeing a lot of this new hot guy she just hooked up with. but unknown to her, he was also dating her two other friends, who are sharing stories about their sexcapades as they savour the food. i hear whips, leather thongs and handcuffs. strange rendezvous. these ladies are all slender, sexy and beautiful with long legs that go all the way to their voluptuous chests. to die for. little do we know they hide such sordid secrets.

then there was the one with the black and white striped shirt who was jealous of the threesome (or is it foursome?) and was spreading lies behind their backs. it seemed she has also been sneaking into their abodes and ransacking through their things, vandalising them to release her frustration.

another group was talking about one who was so addicted to her poison that she has forsaken her children, abused her partner and goes out everyday at dusk to seek for her thrills and highs, only to return when the sun comes up in the morning. a little risqué, if you ask me. then again, when listening to gossips with neither head nor tail in the story, one shouldn't pass opinions.

one was complaining of her partner leaving her for for another male, something about being tired of her 'blood-sucking ways' and all. it must have hurt her pretty bad because she was a little erratic in her behaviour and she reeks of alcohol.

after a little while, i was growing wearisome of listening to their whinings and gossipings. i wish they will go someplace else and leave me alone. their itchy bites weren't particularly appealing either. i swatted at them and hid under the covers. useless. i drenched myself and the log beside me with citronella spray. could very well have been perfume. i turned the fan higher. finally. they left me alone. peace. i could go back to sleep.


Cocka Doodle said...

You were dead drunk when the mozzies bit you ah?

me said...

dear cocka: *hic* did it get u excited at first??? *wink*

Las montañas said...

I got the hint when you mentioned black and white. Yeeks, dengue!!!

Anonymous said...

married ppl having fling outside? gossip i like!

me said...

dear monty: u r too smart for me, mr alien.

dear anon: u like listening to mosquito gossips??? u need a life. hahahaha.

Jonzz said...

Wow, your insect telepathic powers are incredible.

Time to find the M.O.M. and wipe out the pest once and for all.

Note: M.O.M = Mother of Mosquitoes

me said...

dear jonzz: i just fogged my walk-in closet (that's where i figure they usually hide) whilst i was selecting my clothes for the day. stupid! i had to hold my breath and run out every few seconds to catch my breath before i made my choice. dumb!

zewt said...

being left by her man for another man... now that is a bust for the ego.

me said...

dear zewt: of all the gossips, u only picked up on that one. i wonder why. i wonder what that says abt yr frame of mind.

in the name of friendship

i have met up with her probably 2 to 3 times in the last 35 years. she wants to borrow money, this almost stranger. i obliged, in the name o...