Friday, September 11, 2009

amazing discovery!

i have a new discovery that i will like to share with you. apparently, western women will not die from being knocked down by a car. i haven't discover the reason for their seeming natural immunity to road accidents yet, but i vow to never rest until i can uncover the truth behind their very well protected secret.

today morning, as my car was turning the bend, a couple of blondes were walking in the middle of the road. their confidence of exercising right in the middle of the road stems from their knowledge that they won't die even if a car was to knock them down at full speed. of course. however, being gracious and knowing that they are obstructing traffic, the lady on the left spied an approaching car with the corner of her eye, which has by now slowed to a crawl to follow the women, and slowly dragged her feet to one side of the road. she was insistent that she does not in any way alter the slow tempo of her exercise and so, was adamant about strolling slowly away. it is quite amazing. researchers the whole wide over will be most interested in dissecting these two breed of women in order to discover what is it that cause them to be so fearless in the face of death, or if indeed they are naturally protected from the forces of fast moving cars.


zewt said...

i just think that they come from countries where humans supersedes car...

you have got a very strong malaysian mentality in this one, unfortunately.

me said...

this comment boggles my mind. strong malaysian mentality? and unfortunately? what does that mean? let's see; malaysian mentality - u hv i must hv eventho i don't need it, grass always greener on the other side, tea break every 30hr, why do today when can do tmr, why work now when u can claim ot and do it after 5, all stock u want is out and we hv no idea when it is coming in, why commit to your work when u can change job every few mths....

whichever r u referring to??! :-p

zewt said...

i am referring to the fact that malaysians places emphasis on the importance of cars more than anything else, that when one is on the road, cars are the priority, not people.

me said...

i don't think ppl are as important as cars on the road. but ppl have brain, cars dont. ppl shouldn't stand IN THE MIDDLE of the road. that's why accidents happen! given poor visual conditions, ppl will die, cars are dead so they won't give a damn. cars don't have family to lose. u get my drift? u r of the opinion cars should tail behind ppl walking slowly in the middle of the road? we shld go back to horse & carriage days then!

in the name of friendship

i have met up with her probably 2 to 3 times in the last 35 years. she wants to borrow money, this almost stranger. i obliged, in the name o...