Thursday, July 18, 2013

all that is out there

pray tell, what is this world turning into?

i received a phone call early this morning from a lady, who purportedly represents a bank. told me i have won their grand prize. for a contest i did not enter. people close to me will know that this is not the first time i have received such a call; the first was met with much cynicism and wariness but turned out to be the real mccoy after all. this second, or actually fifth such call, was also met with a certain degree of cynicism, albeit much less. yes, i do seem to have a knack for winning lucky draws, and most usually without any conscious effort on my part to enter into such contest. have i grown to be too trusting for my own good, the thought did cross my mind. she sounded as genuine as the previous callers. she didn't prompt me for any information, nor ask for payment of any handling charges. i was almost tempted to believe her. then she informed me of the venue for the prize giving ceremony.

it was in a fast-food chain in the busiest part of the city, very complicated district, abundant with the darker side of society. to go or not to go. the reward? few hundred dollars. will i be walking straight into a scam. is the money, or rather the greed of the money, worth it? there have been just too many such scams going around.

i called someone i knew at the bank. even she was wary. banks don't hold prize giving ceremony at fast-food chains. no, they don't. she promised me she will check., my man told me not to go. the money is not worth the risk. but i still believe that it is the real deal. admitedly they are shaking my stand a little.

i was suppose to reply to the lady by the same day on whether i will attend the ceremony. she called me close to the end of the day. i looked at the caller id. impulsively i answered the phone. halfway through introducing herself, i chickened out and hung up on her. she called back. i ignored it. she called again. and again. her persistence is frightening me. i called my banker friend. she was indisposed. how?

the lady called again. mustering my courage, i answered the phone. she repeated what she has told me this morning. will i be attending? i asked if i can send a representative to pick up the prize. she said oh no, of course not. my heart was crestfallen. this is indeed a con-job. she continued by telling me that she will send the prize to my nearest branch, where i can pick it up from the officers there. huh? it's a genuine case then? i can't decide whether i was relieved or sad. relieved that i was not a targeted victim of a scam. sad because i am becoming too cynical, and so is the people around me. winning unexpected gains from heaven up above should be a happy thing, not something that is met with wariness, cynicism, worriness, doubt and deliberation. at which point do i shout 'whopee' and go delirious with joy?

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