Friday, February 16, 2007

6 weird things about me

another tag. i like tags. however, i've been shirking this one and pushing it to the bottom of my to-do list for a few days now. you see, for someone as normal and rationale as me, this is really a very hard tag to do. who needs barf bag, please collect it at the door.

weird things? virgos are never weird. we are sensible, organised creatures. i don't read books from the back to the front, i don't like to suck toes and i don't enjoy frolicking in milk. so, no weird things about me. granted, there are some things i don't like to eat and other versions of it that i do eat but that is soooooo common. everybody has idiosyncrasies like that.

ok, ok, cut it short, i know. i'll mention some of my adorable traits (and being thick-skinned is not one of them) and we'll see if they make you puke.

1. i have a teddy bear. i sleep with teddy, holds conversation with him and animates him. i even dress him but has not found the time to make new clothes for him. no, my husband's name is not teddy.

2. when i was much younger, i took a basin of water and started sprinkling handfuls of it onto the floor, clucking as i go along. yep! i was pretending to feed the imaginary chickens. however, i was not as young as you think and i was indeed lucid, contrary to all signs that show otherwise. i've not fed any other imaginary animals though.

3. i get very excited when i see a hardware or stationery shop. i like to walk along each aisle slowly and look at everything in detail.

what else are you waiting to hear? that's it! you think i have some sort of sexual fantasies along the aisle? this is a shop we are talking about. sheesh! the strange people that visits my blog! *grins*

4. i like to sleep in bath tubs. minus the water, that is. pillows and blanket are compulsory accessories. however, i've only indulged in this looney behaviour a handful of times.

5. i've no choice but to touch on eating habits again. i've wrecked my brain but i reallllllly don't have that many strange quirky things about me. noodles: i like to eat beehoon (vermicelli), kway teow (flat noodles) and even fat yellow noodles. combine any of the two together and i will shun the dish. *shrugs* don't ask me why. i like my food to be distinct. if i'm eating something soft, i want it to be soft. if i'm eating something chewy, i want it to be chewy. i don't want a combination of crunchy, chewy, soft, hard and whatever. *shivers at the thought*

6. ahhhhhhhh, the last one, finally. weird? weird? what's weird about me? ok! the fact that i don't have many weird things. how's that?

pass! next one.........


Cocka Doodle said...

*Cocka worshipping every step you take, pecking and clucking at the imaginary seeds you sprinkle on the floor....occassionally stealing a few sucks at your toes....*

Jonzz said...

Ahhh, weirdness galore...

A teddy bear?

Sleeping in the bath tub? Oooo, that not weird but that's so cold. What if the tap drips. Bua ha ha ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

ME: Haahaha. I am trying to imagine u sleeping in the bathtub. Alone or with hubby?

me said...

dear cocka: damn! should have fried that damn chicken. hmmmmmm....kentucky fried chicken...yummmmyy!

dear jonzz: not so weird mahhhhh. teddy bear, lots of people also got mahhhhh. my tap never drips ;-) but if it does, i'll just use my toe to plug it! heehee.

dear pooh: not that easy considering u don't know how i look like. haha. i think the tub is a little too tight for 2 ppl. besides, hubby's not crazy like me. :-)

Anonymous said...

I love my family and my brother.I have a happy family.Today is my brother's birthday.:-)

in the name of friendship

i have met up with her probably 2 to 3 times in the last 35 years. she wants to borrow money, this almost stranger. i obliged, in the name o...