Thursday, July 05, 2007

writing about writings

this little blogger is down and disillusioned today.

went straight to the computer this morning to check my comments, as usual, and found that most people have misread my last post. which leaves me to think that i am very incapable of expressing myself clearly and putting forth my thoughts.

true, i could have called a cat a cat and made things easy for everybody. i could have just come straight out and said what i wanted to say instead of playing with the words, starting with one extreme and ending up with another...but where is the fun in writing then? it would be a little like writing those agonising little essays for my secondary school teacher. then again, with my post yesterday, my teacher may have given me a big fat red cross and marked 'what the crap are you writing?! please re-write the entire essay and submit before next wednesday.'

when the readers don't understand the stories, i believe that the fault lies with the author. the failure to convey the story like it is supposed to be told. if there is any misinterpretation, the author have failed in telling the story. still, i wonder. could the problem lies with people's tendency to skim when they read? to not listen when they see? or to even not see when it's there? or is my brain too muddled right now to think straight? the picture with the cotton wool brain seems to be most appropriate today.

i am tired. i need a break from writing.

i'm crawling back to sulk.


Wuching said...

dun feel so bad lar...we know what you were trying to say, we were just pway pway with u only!

Anonymous said...

The neurosurgeon cometh...

BTW, since when is blogging abt the opposite gender a simple straight-forward task??

Take heart, when you're down, henceforth the only way to go is up! Go see Transformers.

Jonzz said...

Alamak, like dat oso want to sulk.

You're not the only one who gets such things. It's just that sometimes we don't mention it.

Personally I think words either written or spoken are insufficient to convey clearly our thoughts and emotions to another person most of the time. Which is why good listeners have lots of friends.

me said...

dear wuching: i'm just t i r e d dddddd *runs out of battery*

dear e: yehhhhhh! i can get my nerves rewired!! just what i need!

yes, it'll teach me a lesson to stay off the topic...but it's so nice to do men-bashing. hehe.

i've seen transformers...and can't wait for the dvd to come out so that i can see it again!!!

dear jonzz: this post is more for the eyes of that man, just in case he also misinterpret lah. i know there are so many ways words can get lost ....and usually i'm not bothered..was worried i triggered off a domestic world war 3 there with my well-meant compliment. sigh!

totally agree with u that words are so lame. it so often gets misinterpreted by the listeners, not to mention pride, ego and a whole list of other factors.

Admin said...

who ask you always write in greek? we come here to read you "fatt lou sou" not come here to solve puzzles lah. hahahahaa....

go sulk all you want.


Mamapumpkin said...

Someone is thinking too much today. Maybe PMS - Hahaha...

Jonzz - when God was giving out sensitivity tablets, maybe he overdosed 'Me'. So sulk la....

zewt said...

i have been misunderstood quite a lot of times too... so i guess you're saying i am a bad author eh? sigh.... *go and sulk too*

me said...

dear ah pek: sulk one day enough already. you come to hear me fatt lou sou ahhhhh? so good, ok.....get readyyyyyyyyy...!!

dear big p: could be pms!...actually, it was more for the benefit of the man who reads the blog. had to clear the air incase he misread the whole thing. i've learnt my time want to compliment someone who reads your blog...go straight ahead and compliment. don't turn here and there. sigh! what a complicated web we weave.

dear zewt: haha. no. when you can't say all that you want to say, because your hands are tied, it's unavoidable that misinterpretation arises. but i tot i made my post very very clear....with a few twists and turns here and there. there was a slight difference. i should have anticipated it anyway. *hits head against wall* wouldn't hv been so bothered if i didn't sense a black storm coming in the homefront.

Dilated Wings said...

Was led to ur blog thru a friends blog, reaad ur entire listings/writings.
Great blog, great person.
All in all something feeling nice to read and know a part of ur life..

me said...

dear shyam: thank you for dropping by. noticed you have the same title as i do. what a small world.

in the name of friendship

i have met up with her probably 2 to 3 times in the last 35 years. she wants to borrow money, this almost stranger. i obliged, in the name o...