Wednesday, April 06, 2011

on some days, life is a tiring journey. there are days when nothing goes right, when everything is a struggle and you need more than usual to fight the battle. yesterday was such a day.

this can be a post of how taxing the day was, how one thing went wrong after another and how superficial people can be but i choose it to be about the light at the end of the day. when i look back at this post many years later, when the memories of the little hurdles in life are vague and inconsequential, i want to remember the things that made me smile.

it was a 12 year old, with the biggest smile that i have ever seen to greet me. i can't remember the last time anyone was that excited to see me for a very very long time. i started out disliking this little boy even before i have met him because he has trespassed what i viewed as my privacy. i slowly came around to realise that it was because of his devotion to the subject in question. he is after all only 12. children are so pure, so simple in their actions. the first thought in their brains is translated immediately by their mouth. there are those that feel children are too childish, too immature and that the age gap is too great for any communication. those adults have long buried their innocence and the magic that are in their lives. in his eyes, i see all things clear and candid. an apple is an apple, an orange an orange. jadedness is absent and enthusiasm brimming to the top.

i wonder, where else can i find such pureness besides associating with 12-year-olds. i search inside of my mind for another circle that is a mirror to my perfect world, where everybody is pure and simple and where love is all around. there exists no parallel in the adult world. one day these children, who are infront of my eyes all beautiful and guileless, will grow up too and be affected by the world they live in. they will also grow to be jaded and cynical. a child knows what is right and what is wrong. adults have grey expanse where things can be tolerated, where wrong can be changed to be right. sometimes i forget and my daughter has to remind me.

why do people have to be so complicated, so full of ulterior motives, so insincere? perhaps it is time that adults stop whining about how full of experience they are, how wordly and mature they believe themselves to be and take a page from the days of a child.

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