have pity on this poor little lady.
i'm sick......again.
there must be something fundamentally wrong with my body's natural immunity....to be able to catch a virus so easily and so frequently. maybe it's the extreme weather we have been getting; the alternate raging thunderstorms and hot afternoons. maybe it's some infected poultry i have ingested. truthfully speaking, i think it's the company i've been keeping, the riff-raff (:-p) roaming in the blogosphere, the people of questionable hygiene practice. (:-p)
anyway, i'm down. with the blogivitis syndrome. caught from two (!) 'so-called'
gentlemen too,would you believe it? i don't know who they spend their nights with, but from the sound of their syndrome, they have it bad, especially the
old itchy one. (haha)
what are the syndromes?
1. first thing after breakfast, i turn on the computer, sexy (or frumpy, depending on my mood) pyjamas and all. and i sit there until roots start to grow from under my legs.
2. when i'm sad, the first person i turn to is my blog. only after i finish ranting in my blog am i fit to be admissable back into society. the head physician, i mean supervisor, of the ....erm hospital that i reside in prescribes a daily dose of blogging as a way to vent my er..........delusions.
3. i nourish my work, letting the pile of work grow taller and bigger before i attend to it. that's what i tell my boss. meanwhile, to keep me amused whilst it is in the process of growing, i blog.
4. i start my excel programme, click to check my comments, open a file, click to check my comments again, pick up my pendrive, click to check my comments again, insert my pendrive, click to check my comments again.....you get the drift.
5. i write 'professional blogger' as part of my resume. (ok, ok, i don't have any resume.)
6. when i talk to somebody, i think..."is this interesting enough to blog?".
7. when i do something, i think....."is this interesting enough to blog?"
8. when i see something, i think....."is this interesting enough to blog?"
9. when i eat something, i think....."hmmmm, this is yummy!" haha. don't play play with food man! ok, this point is irrelevant to my syndromes.
10. when i'm inspired, i write many articles and store it ......for days when my brain is clogged. so kiasu.
11. sometimes, i think i have 3 children. little miss 8yo, little master 6yo and little bloggy 1yo.
12. my blog is even more demanding than my kids!
13. when i'm sick, the best medicine is blogging. when i'm healthy, the best pasttime is blogging.
14. when i'm bored, i ramble aimlessly on the blog.....pretty much like i'm doing now.
15. i'm juggling four blogs and it's feeling like chicken shit.....of course, it helps that i don't update the others quite as often :-)
16. i attack other bloggers' comment box with multiple entries when i'm bored.
17. i bought a little laptop to blog on the go.
18. but i never leave the computer at home because i'm too busy blogging.
19. when i wake up in the middle of the night, i'm itching to get infront of the computer to write down my inspirations.
no. 20? what do you think i am? a condemned certified hopeless blogger?! i've got a life too, you knowwwww *flips hair*
let me tell you one more thing.....come closer.............and .........a.......................at.............................
you are infected!
awfully articulate annie2.
moody martian monty3.
juicy jumping jonzz4.
kind knockout king's wife5.
and brilliant bonkers bernard. (i'm wondering...does he think blog when he does operation??!! scary! )
go, spread the disease!
and guys................ next time, have your medical examination certs ready to prove good health before stepping in my blog, puhleaseeeeee!